Major conference on digital identity scheduled for Spring 2018.
Mvine Ltd announces today that it has signed an agreement with Think Digital Partners Ltd to be a Diamond Sponsor of their forthcoming 1-day conference on Digital Identity for Government. The event will be run in the Spring 2018 and will attract 400 delegates from Central and Local Government as well as the private sector. The move is part of Mvine’s progressive strategy to win new opportunities for the Identity Management area of its business.
Frank Joshi, Director at Mvine, said, “2018 is the year in which organisations in the public and private sector need to put in place some tangible action which embodies their digital strategies.
“Digital identity is fundamental to the future of the digital economy. And growing the adoption of digital identity relies on citizen consent and on a Government-assured regulatory framework that the Government promotes and the citizen trusts.
“It's essential the citizen is able to assert their own digital identity online whenever and to whoever they wish. Digital identity allows the UK Government to deliver better and faster services to the citizen who interact with Central and Local Government, removing manual processes of identification verification. This has to be good for the citizen today, tomorrow and in the future."
Learn more about the event online at :
Notes for Editors
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Mvine authors and sells next generation digital platforms that power the digital economy.
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